Film Review

Since we had most of the video done, we decided to show it to some people in order to get their feedback. The video was not 100% finalized, but it was put together enough to start getting feedback on it. More specifically, small things like the titles were still not done. Still, the small parts that weren't there yet wouldn't have ended up making that large of a difference in the overall message of the film. This is why we didn't find it necessary to rush adding them in yet and decided to still show others our project. We ended up asking a mutual friend's cousin for their opinion on our film. We figured the mutual friend might be biased, so we didn't ask them. Their cousin, on the other hand, had no apparent reason to not tell us the absolute truth. Therefore, we decided to ask them in order to try and get the rawest feedback we could. However, there was a small issue with having the cousin review the video. This was because of the fact that they live in a different state. Therefore, in order for them to be able to watch the video, it had to be sent over online, so the quality might've worsened a little. We let them know about this and still went through with the plan. About ten minutes after we sent over the video, we got a response back about their opinion on it. We asked them to write down their reaction after they watched the video just once. Then, we asked them to write us another review after they're watched the video a couple times. The cousin gave us a list of things they didn't like that they felt should be fixed throughout the film. It included things like the characters' speaking. Apparently, their voices were too monotone and even too low, making them slightly hard to hear. In addition to this, they said we needed to clean up the shots. They apparently looked messy and choppy. Finally, they complained about the lighting differences. I believe this was because some of the scenes were filmed during different times in the day, so there were different amounts of lighting going into the house throughout the film. We are going to now take this all into consideration when we make changes to our film. 


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