Figuring out the music

After many hours of looking through what music would be a good enough fit for our film, my group and I finally came to a conclusion. Personally, I started by looking at copywritten music to make sure there wasn't anything that really stuck out to me. I was able to find a couple of good songs here, that I kept in the back of my mind throughout the process. These songs included ones like "Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus. I liked that the song was mainly instrumental and was slow and calm, it was scary but unique. I felt it would be a great choice for a film. I also really liked the intro to the song "Black Magic" by Backxwash because I felt that it was slow enough and creepy enough to be a close-to-perfect fit for the film. However, I didn't like the rest of the song. In order to use it in the film, I would have to cut out only the beginning part of the song. I would then have to go on and put it on a loop for the duration of the film. This would be too complicated, which I knew due to the complications that happened last year when my group tried to play around with the music. I could expect that the music would come out sounding choppy, or harsh and I didn't want to deal with that again. I put the songs on a word document just in case I couldn't find anything better and kept looking. At this point, I turned to royalty-free music. I found lots of great options to use here, that I liked even more than the ones I had found before. For example, I found the song "Lurking in the Shadows" composed by Liam Seagrave. I liked this song, it was slow and scary but felt like it wasn't good enough to use throughout the entirety of the film, only in some specific parts. I decided to keep looking and found "Ghost" by Tim Beek. I really liked this one and felt that it would amplify the creepiness of the scenes well and scare the viewers enough. When I went and reflected with my group about the music everyone had found, my group and I decided to use the music Addison found. I was called "Seeburg Basic Background Music B17 and B4" and it was absolutely perfect. 


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