The Editing has Officially Begun

We finally finished filming all of the clips necessary for our film. The last couple of things we had to do included getting Nicole to record a couple more missing scenes at home with her tripod. After this was done, we were finally completely done with filming for this project. We were able to start on the editing immediately. One of the first things I did was record myself screaming. This was so I could add it in as a voice-over over one of the scenes. Before I could do this though, I had to make sure of some things. I made sure that I did it around the middle of the day when most people were awake. This is because I live in an apartment complex, so I didn't want to upset my neighbors. I also didn't want to upset my own family by yelling too early or late in the day. I also told my family to not be alarmed by my scream because I had to record it for a project and I told them to stay quiet during it so their voices wouldn't be heard in the background. I actually ended up...